These Kids Made Some Hilarious Mistakes That Will Leave Any Parent Cringing

Kids are a lot more observant than we give them credit for and most of the time, the things they pick up on end up getting lost in translation in a drawing or piece of writing at school. This, of course, typically leaves only one group of people embarrassed: their parents.

An Odd Request

Looks like this vacation took a turn. Who's got it worse - the child who had to write this disturbing request or the mom who had to wake up to it? Either way, hopefully, it got resolved quickly because it seems like quite the mess.

Heavyweight Champion

There's a lot to unpack here. Luckily, everything seems to have gone over this kid's head. No, they're not wrestling. Hopefully he didn't get in trouble for this at school, surely it was an honest mistake!

An Easy Replacement

It's always good to have a backup in mind, right? Miss Mac is clearly very loved, and Nina's just trying to make sure she's taken care of later in life. However, she seems to have missed the mark on what counts as "socially acceptable" to say, because this surely isn't it.

A Celebration of Life (?)

There's no way this was taken literally. There's no way this kid and his dad actually did this. If there was actually a funeral, maybe she wanted it to feel more like a celebration? Either way, this is very concerning.

He Sees Dead People

This kid is straight out of "The Sixth Sense." Whether he merely misspelled the word "talking" or not, that's absolutely a ghost standing in the corner of the room. Hopefully they exorcise their house ASAP.

"The Conjuring" IRL

Any teacher should have taken this 100% seriously. This kid lives in a house worthy of a "Ghostbusters" sequel. Someone call them immediately to come check this out.

At Least She Has Pudding

This girl isn't catching on to what's happening at home, but we are. However, she did get to bring pudding to school, so maybe things won't be so bad. She's in for it when she goes home though and finds out her dad is still at work.

Citizen's Arrest is Imminent

This kid is definitely Witness X in some domestic dispute case, and she probably has her facts twisted. Did her mom...really his her dad with a car? Of course not. Right? Right?

Woke From a Young Age

Okay but what parent wouldn't cackle at this? She is living the LIFE. Whether she made this statement from some firsthand experience with her parents, or she just thrives on her independence, she clearly knows what she wants. Is she lounging on a beach alone somewhere? Probably.

Mom: Exposed

Mom might be an incredible dentist, but if her child writes up a report about how her favorite drink is vodka and she loves to laugh at her son running into walls, we have grounds for a problem. At least she makes great chili, and at least they like to hug. Silver linings, people.

A Laundry List of Complaints

This list is very hot and cold. Mom doesn't give him wrestling magazines and is a horrible cook, so that's a red flag. However, she does give him money for drinks and takes care of the dog, Amos. So she can't be all bad.

A Heartfelt Thank You

Not being left somewhere in a box is really all you can ask for as a little kid. Where they even got the idea for it, who knows. There are tons of Disney movies about abandoned babies, but they always have a rags-to-riches story, so maybe this kid should have hoped they'd been left in a box somewhere. 

Anatomically Correct

This anatomically accurate skeleton is getting filed under the #cursedimage tag. Whatever this kid was thinking, the teacher must have found it hilarious because it seems to have earned a spot on the chalkboard. They're going to look back on this and cringe, big time.

Tough Love

How could anyone be mad at this card? It's hilarous, but wherever their inspiration came from, the mom this is addressed to might want to tone it down. She's probably just a very expressive person... 

A "Wheels On The Bus" Remix

This was supposed to be an illustration of the song “The Wheels On The Bus,” but we guess the kid had something else in mind. If you were a teacher and saw this, you’d most likely suspect that there aren’t strict parental controls over the TV or internet or this is a common phrase tossed around at home.

Let Your Hair Down

The highlight of this drawing is the poem. It's haiku-level genius. "Oh goodness me! It's important for mom to let her hair down once in a while!" At least this kid wasn't mad about it.

Internet Allergy

In the age of the Internet, this sort of roast is probably more and more common in second grade classrooms. Mom is obsessed with Facebook, Dad is allergic to it. It's the oldest story in the book. "Why didn't you change your relationship status yet?"

She Has No Money "This Time"

The heartfelt note is honestly completely canceled out by the use of the phrase "this time." She has no money for her aunt this time. What happened every other time? Please explain, curiosity is at a pique level.

Classic Sense of Humor

If you look closely, you'll see this kid mislabeled what the "gas" property is. Though technically it's not completely wrong, it's definitely not what the teacher was looking for. There are other types of gasses that would have been more appropriate.

"This Time..."

Just another kid who sees ghosts. He had a great day with his parents AND their cat, see above. However, the highlight of the day was obviously the fact that the demon left them alone this time. That's one door that should stay shut, forever.

Put Him On Blast

Even if the dad does have a little weight problem, there's no need to expose him like that. The clear answer was obviously "the dog eats the most at a picnic." Mosquitos seem like an illogical answer. However, the kid's creative freedoms are pretty admirable.

A Day to Night Look

Surely there's some exaggerating going on here. She definitely doesn't look like a gremlin in the morning, or Lady Gaga at night. Note the complete lack of complexion in "morning" compared to "night." It's a glow-up, if anything.

Don't We All?

There's no shame in that. Surely this isn't the mom's only hobby, but she must enjoy a glass or two often enough that her kid associates a nice Merlot with a Tuesday night at home. Hopefully, the assignment didn't expose her too much.

"Me Time"

This is a completely acceptable way to spend an entire day. If it's not with "Ellen," it's probably with "Oprah," or HGTV, or "Keeping Up with The Kardashians." That's not a bad way to spend free time at all. Unwind while the kids are at school!

He Is Only Eight Years Old

This guy is the ultimate dad. He takes her to the dollar store and feeds her fish for her? Who cares if he's only eight years old and his favorite food is beer? Hes good at fixing things!

A Common Mistake

Honestly, this might not have been an accidental mistake. Dads can be...gross. The drawing itself looks like the logo for some toxic chemical, so odds are, the teacher told him he had to fix his mistake afterwards.

A Backhanded Compliment

Every mom has that one thing that their kids won't eat. Typically, it's meatloaf. Who actually does like it? Certainly not five year olds. Certainly not grown ups. It's one of those things that everyone just sort of feels obligated to make sometimes.

Don't Shoot The Messenger

Kids are more observant that parents give them credit for. If you're going through a divorce, it's definitely best to keep your opinions of your estranged spouse to yourself, because you'll end up getting notes like this when it's your weekend with the kiddos. That just leads to a very awkward handoff when Mom comes to pick them up.

An Everyman

This right here is the dream. He's the most average man on earth. He's an employee. He loves to drink. He's: your dad. He's also every person you'll probably ever meet. These are the two unifying qualities that bring people together. The kid who drew this understood the realities of life.

Stop Drinking, We Love You

Unlike one of the previous kids, who was simply stating the fact that their mom loves wine, there's some heavy concern here. Though she looks dainty and elegant with that glass, perhaps she tends to overdo it. Nobody knows what really goes on at home, but hopefully, the teacher didn't feel the need to step in.


For the sake of art, let's pretend this is a self-portrait of the kid and not her parent. It's hard to imagine anyone would embarrass their mom that badly. She is blissfully unaware of the cringe-worthy effects the drawing is going to have on her for a long, long time.

The Cars Sticker Says It All

The parents' reaction to this card is probably on par with Lightning McQueen's: "wow..." This Valentine's Day card is a little too real. That's not one you want to take into school for the class.

Moms Are Evil

This drawing is a rollercoaster ride from beginning to end. The mom doesn't like people(!), and is possibly trapped inside an evil snake? Is she the evil snake? On a more grown-up level of understanding, that's always possible. Kids are more woke than you think.

Fighters Take The Ring

This hilarious depiction of the parents fighting like they're in a WWE match is absolutely nuts. It's a deep comparison for a child, but probably accurate for some kids. Looks like Dad is slumped against the sides of the ring, so mom must be winning.

A Role Model

This photo went viral apparently. Hopefully, this isn't actually her mom's job, but if she's acting as a positive role model then, does it really matter? The drawing is pretty well done, too, but mom probably got some pretty strange looks at the next PTA meeting.

She's Not a "Cool Mom," She's a "Regular Mom"

The lack of context behind what each parent does is intriguing. It's easy to assume "regular mom" means she just stays home and watches the house and kids. What makes the dad an "interesting person" though? Is he...the president? Or a criminal? He definitely doesn't have a regular 9-to-5...

A Subtle Burn

"At school, I ate stale Cheetos with lunch, thanks, mom." At least they got to play math games and learn about contractions. Hopefully, that incredibly disappointing lunch didn't get in the way of their focus during what must have been an important lesson.

How Dare He Forget "Father & Son Day"

The sarcasm is absolutely dripping from this doodle. "Hey, DAD. Remember that time when we were supposed to have a DAY together? Well. You slept through the whole thing and I was forced to spend all day ALONE." That's how it should have been written, but the disdain translates just the same.

That's The Only Way That Works

This is the one coping mechanism that you won't see on "Full House." This family seems to be a fan of tough love, but sometimes that's the most effective way to deal with stress. Ignore your problems, dissociate, pretend everything is fine...sounds great...?

Ten Years Ahead of the Game

Frankie is every parent's nightmare, come ten years too early. If he was twenty instead of probably seven, this would be a completely different, all too real, story. However, it's okay to be a freeloader when you're a kid. There's nothing else you can do!

Someone Doesn't Want to Keep Up

This kid definitely has had to sit through one too many episodes of KUTWK with his mom. Thankfully, drawing the Hulk viciously smashing the ladies is a sort of harmless way to deal with all the stress? Sure, there's no shortage of drama onscreen, but do they really deserve...this?

No, He "Comes In Peace"

This was really just a classic case of misspelling. Truly. Besides the glaring error, the drawing itself is pretty well done. The detail on Buzz's suit is actually very accurate. 

Cook! The Best Cook!

An embarrassing spelling mistake, but this one is so much worse than Buzz Lightyears. The hat doesn't help, either. But it looks like he whipped up a pretty good breakfast.


All things considered, this looks pretty close to what the kid was aiming for. A whistle is hard to draw! It's fine. The rest of the drawing is really well done, but the Gatsby-esque figure in the sky is a little creepy.

Someone Hates The Babysitter

If only it was that easy! Unless you have a cool, fun babysitter, chances are, you'll feel like you don't even need one. Being left home alone with an older kid who doesn't want to spend any time with you isn't cool. No wonder this kid needed to let out some steam. 

She Just Loves the Beach

Who doesn't love the beach? This error was a super close call, but luckily Cameron's artistic skills make up for the lack of censorship. Surely she doesn't actually know what the word really means...

Thank You For Your Service

That's a firefighter holding the hose from the truck while putting out a fire. Not everything is a euphemism. The kid was saved from a burning building! It was nice of him to draw a picture at all, though the incident must have been very traumatic. 

Welcome to Kindergarten

This kid drew their kindergarten teacher a self-portrait. She has beautiful earrings! Her dress is a little shapeless, though, but they did their best. The use of color is intriguing.

Humble Beginnings

Maybe Emma needed to be humbled for a minute. You used to be nothing but a carrot, don't forget it. This is possibly a dig at her size or her hairstyle. No matter what the roast is, the image is hilarious. 

Did Someone Call The Orphan?

Remember in the movie "The Orphan" when Esther drew really creepy violent images of her new adopted family? Same. Major Russian orphan serial killer vibes from this whiteboard. Hopefully, he doesn't cross her again...

Best Animal Friends

This girl's drawing is pretty cute! If you can overlook the elephant in the room that she clearly missed, it's just an innocent drawing of two animal friends. Look at the use of shading and texture - she's onto something here.

An Early Mayan Calendar Prediction

This little girl drew a picture of her little sister being sacrificed to aliens... That's totally normal and not weird at all. It's incredibly creative, if not deeply unsettling. Wonder what she has to say about it now?

Title Explains It All

Yep, you read that right. The very rare and elusive species of crosseyed, farting ducks are seemingly back from extinction. The linework really is just stunning. 

Quiet Zone

The Charlie Brown-esque face isn't as haunting as the shapeless hand. It's easy to see why adults would get this one twisted, but really, it's just a kid making the "Shhh" gesture. 

Everlasting Love

It's the thought that counts, though it certainly could have been phrased better. "RIP, I love you when you die." He surely meant that he'll miss her after she's gone, but kids don't really understand the ins and outs of death at a young age. He gets a pass.

Dolphin Sighting

Porpoises are definitely too hard to draw when you're a kid, but she did her best! This is a drawing of a school of dolphins coming up for air, though they might not appear that way. This definitely earned a spot on the fridge for at least one day.

Mowing the Lawn

The kid deserves some credit for this. Drawing a lawnmower isn't easy, and the basic shape is there. Even if at first glance it does look like something else, the grass should have been a dead giveaway.

Wedding Portrait

This fingerpainting is allegedly a wedding portrait of the kid's parents. How they figured that out, who's to say. It's an interesting take on drawing people for sure, but I'm sure the parents loved it either way.

Birthday Clown

This drawing of a birthday clown looks more like a balloon figure than a human. It's also a little too anatomically correct... The kid does get extra points for using different colors and even drawing a frame, though.

Almost Accurately Shaped

At first, it looks like she's modeling the raindrop shape after the thumbs up stamp on the picture, but unfortunately, she's not. She was super close to being right, but these droplets are comically shaped like something else instead. The pattern on the umbrella is charming, though.

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The More You Know

  • Thousands of people write to God yearly.
  • 90% of U.S. money has cocaine on it.
  • Carrots can turn you orange.
  • Alaska is the only state whose name is on a single row on the keyboard.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.